The people we support are at the heart of everything we do and Visualise is incredibly grateful for the relationships and bonds we have developed with not only the people we support but their families too.
The COVID-19 pandemic was a challenging time for everyone but through communication and partnership with families, the people we support were encouraged to participate in activities that were important to them.
Some of our enjoyed activities include bowling, shopping and gardening. Plus we have a caravan that can be booked for a little holiday, and this has proven to be a favourite!

Enjoying a dance at our Christmas Party in December 2022.
One of our ladies turned 50 earlier this month and her party was a great success. Even Elvis made an appearance!
Becca celebrating her 30th birthday party! Becca’s family and our support workers organised a beautiful birthday party at our day services. Some of the people we support attended the party. Thank you to our Support Worker Kitty for making a delicious birthday cake!
We had our annual Christmas party. We were joined by the people we support, support workers, our office team, family members, our CEO and trustees. We even had a visit from Santa! Thank you to everyone who came along.
Mark and Aidan both recently celebrated their birthdays. Mark had his party in the services and Aidan went out for a drink after his celebrations. They both had a great time and got some good photos. Happy Birthday Mark and Aidan!